ZAGREB, Dec 28 (Hina) - Within the intensive diplomatic activity of
the Republic of Croatia, which is directed at stopping the
offensive of the Muslim formations at the Croatian territories in
Central Bosnia, the Croatian Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister
Dr.Mate Granic forwarded today a letter to the UN Security Council
the Chinese Ambassador Li Zhaixing, a Croatian Foreign Ministry
release says.
The letter, whose content is similar to the one sent by Dr.Granic
to the ministers of the European Union, says that the Croatian
Govt. is doing all to reach a peaceful and just resolution in that
area, and to set up the foundations for a permanent cooperation of
the two peoples. Dr.Granic also requested an urgent UN Security
Council session on the issue and that the surrounded Croatian
enclaves be proclaimed safe havens in accordance with the UN
Resolutions 819 and 824.
281909 MET dec 93
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