ZAGREB, April 11 (Hina) - Awaiting the UN Secretary General's
report to the Security Council which is to give a precise
definition of the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution
981 and the UNCRO mandate in Croatia, Croatian daily 'VECERNJI
LIST' delivered an interview with UN spokesman Michael Williams.
Williams said Croatian government's irritation at the name
'separation zones' was understandable and proposed to call them
'ceasefire zones' since the name 'separation zone' signified
division of both territory and people.
He also said that the presence of UN forces would decrease in
the former UN protected areas, since what used to be called UNPAs
no longer existed.
There were 90 per cent of 15.000 UN soldiers located in the
former UNPAs but their number would decrease after April 21 and the
forces would be deployed along Croatia's borders and in the
ceasefire zone.
UN forces would have to be present to some extent in the Serb-
controlled territories as well, said Williams.
The Croatian Government accepted this because of practical
reasons, he said adding that UN soldiers stationed in these areas
would also have some kind of relation office in Knin.
This relation office would have the function of helping
Croatian authorities and local Serbs to implement already signed
There were a couple of thousands Croats in the former UNPAs,
mainly elderly people, who badly needed help. In the last years UN
forces played an important role in the protection of their rights,
said Williams.
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