SARAJEVO, April 8 (Hina) - Bosnian Serbs are still holding in
detention eight humanitarian workers captured near Sarajevo.
According to the International Red Cross spokeswoman, Nina
Winquist, the Serbs have been persistently refusing to allow
visits to Simon Gerber and Maria Vernl-Matic, Swiss citizens
and UNESCO officials, captured four days ago on a road between
the Sarajevo airport and the city.
One could only suppose that Gerber and Matic were still in
prison at Ilidza (Serb-controlled Sarajevo suburb), Winquist
Four French and an American, working with Pharmacists
Without Frontiers, were detained at the 'Kula' jail near
Sarajevo six weeks ago, while German humanitarian activist
Ludwig Kraus was supposedly held in the 'Lukavica' Serb
military barrack. All of them were charged with assistance to
Bosnian army.
The ICRC spokeswoman also confirmed that nine workers with
the Banja Luka branch of the humanitarian organization
"Merhamet", have also been in Serb detention for over a month.
Nothing was known about their fate, she added.
(Hina) mm bk
081550 MET apr 95
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