ZAGREB, Apr 4 (Hina) - A coment piece by Nenad Ivankovic in today's
VECERNJI LIST discusses the opinions in the diplomatic circles on
Friday's Security Council Resolution 981 (on the new UN mandate in
"The only thing the international community cares about now is
that the blue helmets stay in former Yugoslavia to preserve the
present situation - to prevent an escalation of hostilities and
therefore also NATO involvement in a war with the Serbs," Ivankovic
"The West first renounced the use of force and paid for its
cowardice and internecine rivalries by becoming a hostage of the
Serb aggression. Finding themselves in queer street, western
diplomats are now trying to maintain the status quo by putting
pressure on the victims of the Serb aggression," Ivankovic said,
denouncing the "misery and weakness of western policy."
"One is tempted to think one is living in a loony bin, hearing
western ministers repeat over and over again how the Chechnia
intervention must be stopped at once - and that 'at once' has been
going on for four months," Ivankovic says.
"Appeals, words, opportunism or Realpolitik?" the commentator
"Europe today is politically weak and without authority as it
rarely has been in recent history," he concludes.
(hina) mm as
041115 MET apr 95
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