ZAGREB, March 27 (Hina) - The following is the full text of
Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic's letter sent today to the UN
Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali:
"Your Excellency,
I have to draw your attention to the latest in a series of
grave incidents in the occupied territories of Croatia in eastern
Slavonia. According to the information available, the military
forces of the "Army of Yugoslavia (AJ)" have made an incursion deep
into the territory of Croatia by crossing the Danube bridge in
Batina, close to the Croatian-Hungarian border, from the "Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)". The troops of
BELGBAT of UNPROFOR in the area attempted to "persuade and
negotiate" with the Serbian paramilitary forces in order to prevent
this movement, but failed and were forced to withdraw and were kept
in detention during the transport of military equipment.
Since the end of January 1995 one armoured company of the "AJ"
has been deployed in Eastern Slavonia close to the confrontation
line. Moreover, on a later date further deployments took place,
including - but not limited to - one mechanized company, one
platoon of tanks and one platoon of self-propelled artillery,
backed with an infantry company (totalling over 900 troops). The
most recent incident saw the transportation of 25 tanks, one
artillery battery and one "Luna-M" ground-to-ground tactical
missile battery, and their deployment east of Beli Manastir and
north of Tovarnik. Furthermore, according to available information,
part of 11th and 12th corps of the "AJ" have been mobilized and
placed on alert within the territory of the "Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)", including the 453rd Mechanized
Brigade in Sid. These developments pose a serious threat to the
security of the Republic of Croatia, and serve as an additional
example of the inefficiency of the present United Nations peace-
keeping operation and a proof of direct involvement of the "Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)" in Croatia.
All of this once again confirms that the mechanisms of
control of the international borders of Croatia - those presently
outside of the effective control of the Croatian Government - are
not sufficient. Furthermore, the above-mentioned grave violations
of the relevant UNSC resolutions serve to focus our attention on
your report to the Security Council on the implementation of a
peacekeeping mandate (S/1995/222), which proposes the continuation
of the existing insufficient mechanisms.
On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, I
thus have to express deep dissatisfaction and grave concern with
the assessments and recommendations contained in your report
S/1995/222, and in particular with the following:
1. the report is unbalanced - it overestimates the
achievements and underestimates the shortcomings of UNPROFOR's
activity in Croatia - and does not realistically reflect the
situation of Croatia;
2. the report repeatedly refers to documents that are
several years old, but fails to draw the attention and to take into
proper consideration more recent developments, such as Security
Council resolutions 820 and 871, and General Assembly resolution
3. the report draws attention to various elements of the
so-called Vance Plan, but apparently deliberately fails to address
the most important element - the immediate disarming and
disbandment of the Serbian paramilitary forces on the occupied
territories; further, the report minimizes the validity of the need
for the return of refugees and displaced persons, which is of
paramount importance not only to a quarter of a million displaced
persons but to the entire Croatian society as well;
4. it would appear that in the eyes of the Secretariat the
newly proposed mandate would not differ substantially from the
expiring one;
5. the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the local
insurgent authorities on the occupied territories have implicite
been placed on equal footing, since for every step of the
deployment of a new mandate and force, their consent is implied;
6. the name of the new operation, as proposed in your
latest report, does not include the reference to Croatia, which was
one of our clearly stated requests; this is contrary to the
established practise in the UN since only three UN operations
(UNTSO, UNDOF and UNPROFOR) have hitherto been established without
a clear geographic determination, the Government of the Republic of
Croatia, thus deems this to be highly inappropriate and
7. the report does not provide for, or even suggest, the
reliable control of Croatia's internationally recognised borders
and therefore does not fulfill the preconditions for Croatia's
acceptance of the new mandate as agreed upon in Copenhagen and
Washington; furthermore, the provisions in this regard, as set
forth in your report, do not reflect adequately the spirit and
content of Your Excellency's recent talks with the President of the
Republic of Croatia, Dr Franjo Tudjman, and the subsequent
statements as well.
Taking into account the above, on behalf of the Republic of
Croatia, I have the duty to inform you and the members of the
Security Council that the Republic of Croatia shall not accept the
new mandate of the new peace-keeping force on its territory after
the present mandate of UNPROFOR in Croatia terminates in accordance
with our letters S/1995/28 and S/1995/56 unless the following
conditions are met:
1. the name of the new operations contains the word Croatia;
explicitly confirming the fact that the new operation is to be
carried out in its entirety on the sovereign territory of the
Republic of Croatia.
2. the mechanisms of the active control of the international
borders of the Republic of Croatia in the parts that are not at
this moment accessible to the Croatian authorities by the new force
are negotiated in detail on the basis of relevant Security Council
resolutions and have gained the prior formal approval of the
Government of Croatia; thus the mechanisms for active control of
Croatia's international borders under the new mandate must be
clearly established in respect of imports, exports and all
transhipments, consistent with paragraph 12 of Resolution 820
In this regard, and in order to facilitate the negotiations, I
have the honour to draw your attention to the letter dated 23 March
1995 from the President of the Republic of Croatia addressed to
your Excellency.
Please accept, your Excellency, the assurances of my highest
considerations," Granic's letter concluded.
(Hina) mar sd mms
271930 MET mar 95
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