VITEZ, March 13 (Hina) - US diplomat Robert Owen, international
arbitrator in the implementation of the Constitution of the Bosnian
Moslem-Croat federation, yesterday afternoon visited Vitez to meet
representatives of the Croat communities from central Bosnia.
They discussed the implementation of the Washington accords on
establishing the Moslem-Croat federation in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Croat officials said that deadlines set at the Bonn talks were
too short.
Bosnian Moslem officials presented similar views during Owen's
earlier visit to Zenica.
Owen said that this should be nobody's alibi for extending the
deadlines in advance.
He stressed that his job would be to arbitrate in disputes
that could arise in the establishment of the Federation's
Owen was accompanied by the secretary at the UN Embassy in
Sarajevo, Scott Thompson, and Croat and Moslem officials Josip
Silic and Salko Beba.
(hina) jn vm
131136 MET mar 95
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