ZAGREB, Feb 8 (Hina) - The front page of VJESNIK leads with a
report on the opening of a memorial exhibition of documents and
photographs belonging to Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac.
The exhibition was opened and blessed by Cardinal Franjo
In relation to France's proposed meeting between Presidents
Tudjman, Izetbegovic and Milosevic, VJESNIK reports on how the
meeting was called to 'to escape from the cul-de-sac after the
Bosnian Serbs' rejection of the peace plan'.
A comment piece by Maja Freundlich, headlined 'Weighing Up
Threats and Fear' makes the profound observation that when UNPROFOR
leaves Croatia 'war cannot start anew because it has never
'A war ends when one side capitulates or when peace is
signed...There is no sense in talking about an on-going war
starting again', the article hypothesises.
The other Zagreb daily carries a comment piece by Visnja
Staresina headlined 'The Devil in Detail'. The article is about
perspectives for the mutual recognition of Croatia and Yugoslavia
and the continuation of the peace process.
The paper carries an interview with British Parliamentarian
Sir Patrick Cormack.
'Serb policies are still very militant and aggressive.
Milosevic has moved back a touch because he understands the after
effects of sanctions against Serbia, and I would like to think that
he has realised the horrible results of Serbia's atrocities,' Sir
Patrick said.
'The Federation is the key to a peaceful resolution', Bosnian
Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic, said in an interview with the
Among other things, Silajdzic said: 'Until now the Washington
Agreements have resulted in end of clashes, but from then until now
little has been done. Therefore we now have arbitration to stop all
these mutual accusations and establish the Federation once and for
VECERNJI LIST also covers the opening of a memorial exhibition
of Cardinal Stepinac, who is about to be transformed into a saint
by the Vatican.
"Here, close to our Zagreb Cathedral, near the Cardinal's
honourable death bed, we give each and every one of you the unique
opportunity to come face-to-face with his venerable ghost,"
Cardinal Kuharic said at the opening.
"In a mystical half-light of the Archbishop's Palace, small
objects that followed Cardinal Stepinac in his life now
mysteriously emanate an unearthly glow," the reporter mused.
(hina) sd as
081222 MET feb 95
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