ZAGREB, Jan 6 (Hina) - The Croatian Victimological Society today
expressed deep disappointment with the work of the United Nations,
in the year which is to mark the world organisation's 50th
The Society is dismayed with the UN because it allowed
aggression against Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovna, it denied them
their rights to defend themselves, and it reneged on the UN
Charter, president Zvonimir Separovic told a Zagreb press
Sarajevo mayor Tarik Kupusovic was his special guest at the
press conference.
The never-ending seiges and suffering of people has prompted
the Society to press charges in a so-called 'actio popularis'
against Boutros Boutros-Ghali, David Owen, Cyrus Vance and other
international officials the Society holds directly responsible for
crimes that have been committed, Separovic said.
The indictment was signed by 17 organizations and individuals
- victims of aggression against Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Separovic said Zupanja, Croatia, and Sarajevo and Bihac,
Bosnia, were the three cities currently under seige.
Zupanja has been under seige since the outset of aggression
against Croatia. A general alert has been in place since April 23
1992, or for more than 1,500 days.
Bihac has been deprived of humanitarian aid since May last
year. The town and surrounding villages have been destroyed and its
people exhausted. But nevertheless, its defenders are putting up
stiff resistance, Separovic said.
Kupusovic said Sarajevo marked the thousandth day of seige on
January 27. During the seige time 14,000 people have died but the
city managed to stave off barbarism both military and spiritual, he
Kupusovic added that mayors of 240 cities had been invited to
attend the 1,000 days of seige ceremony.
(hina) jn sd vm
061610 MET jan 95
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