WASHINGTON, Nov 17 (Hina) - The U.S. President Bill Clinton sent a
letter to Croatia's President Franjo Tudjman in which he expressed
his and his wife Hillary's best wishes for President Tudjman's
speedy recuperation.
Following is the letter:
Dear Mr. President:
Thank you again for your letter of November 11. As I told you on
the phone, I was very sorry to hear of your illness and want you to
know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. I know you will
receive the best care and advice available at Walter Reed hospital,
and am very pleased that we could offer our assistance.
We have come a long way in bringing peace to the region and in
creating the conditions for a strong, independent and unified
Croatia to take its place among the Western family of nations. Your
personal leadership over the past two years has been absolutely
critical to ending the conflict in the former Yugoslavia and laying
the foundations of lasting peace and reconciliation.
Rest assured that we will do everything we can to be of continued
help to you at this difficult time. Hillary joins me in wishing you
all the best.
Bill Clinton
(hina) mš
170939 MET nov 96
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