ZAGREB, Oct 29 (Hina) - The Croatian Radio and Television (HRT)
Council passed a unanimous decision on Tuesday to broadcast live
parliamentary sessions when issues of particular national interest
were discussed and in 18 other cases.
Which issues were of special national interest would be
determined by the Parliament presidency and presidents of the
parliamentary committees and the clubs of deputies.
In all other cases the HRT would broadcast summaries of
sessions which would reflect views of parliamentary parties or
deputies' clubs which participated in discussions, in proportion to
their representation in Parliament.
Apart from issues of particular national interest, the HRT
would broadcast live constituent sessions of Parliament, the
passage of a decision on dissolving a house of parliament, reports
and addresses by the President of the Republic, addresses by
foreign heads of state or government, the presentation of
government programmes, question time, a decision on amending the
Constitution, the passage of legislation regulating human and civil
rights and freedoms as stipulated by the Constitution.
Discussions on electoral legislation, the organization and
work of state bodies, legislation on the organization of local
administration and self-government, a state budget, decisions on
voting confidence or no confidence in the prime minister and
members of the government would also be broadcast live.
Live broadcasts would also include discussions on laws which
the upper house returns to the lower house for reconsideration, the
adoption and amendment of the Constitution, the ratification of
some international agreements, the passage of a constitutional law
on the Constitutional Court, and the passage of legislation
regulating minority rights.
The issue was discussed at the request of four opposition
members of the Council who later voiced their satisfaction with the
decision to broadcast parliamentary sessions live.
Opposition members of Parliament had walked out of the October
session of the House of Representatives because the HRT had not
broadcast live a discussion on a report by the State Auditing
(hina) vm jn
291726 MET oct 96
SK Are, slalom: Ljutić deseta, Austrijanka Truppe do prve pobjede
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SKV: Sport u 12.30 sati
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