JAJCE, Oct 24 (Hina) - International organizations in Bosnia-
Herzegovina on Thursday voiced great concern over the continued
destruction of Moslem villages in Serb-held areas of the country.
The villages of Pudici and Melici, situated in the northern
Doboj area close to the inter-entity boundary, were razed on
Wednesday, International Police Task Force (IPTF) spokesman Alun
Roberts told a news conference in the southewestern town of
Villages in the Vrbanja river valley were destroyed ten days
ago and the village of Brisevo near Prijedor was razed to the
ground early this morning. Those were also Moslem villages, he
Roberts said that there were no casualties because no one lived
in those villages.
In response to journalists' questions if IPTF and the NATO-led
Implementation Force (IFOR) could do more than just "express
concern and follow the situation closely," Roberts cited the
failure of local authorities and police to cooperate and the
limited powers of IFOR and IPTF in such cases.
IFOR spokesman Paul Brook said that an IFOR patrol had sighted
a group of five Croatian Army soldiers in the central town of
Prozor on October 21. The problem is that they were found armed
on territory where they shouldn't be under provisions of the
Dayton peace agreement, he said.
After the press conference, Brook told a Hina reporter that no
incident had occurred and that the Croatian troops had been on a
visit to a local Bosnian Croat Defence Council (HVO) unit.
After a brief explanation they left the territory of Bosnia-
Herzegovina, Brook said.
(hina) vm
242043 MET oct 96
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