WASHINGTON, Oct 9 (Hina) - Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for
Europe John Kornblum is on Wednesday evening leaving for Bosnia-
Herzegovina, State Department spokesman Nicholas Burns said in
Kornblum is to hold talks with representatives of the Bosnian
Serbs in Banja Luka and Pale, as well as with members of the
Bosnian government.
"We are interested in talks with the Bosnian Serbs in order to
make sure that some good statements recently made by Krajisnik
(Momcilo, Serb representative at the Bosnian Presidency) can become
reality on the ground."
Serb representatives refused to attend the first parliament's
session last Saturday, while the session of the Bosnian Presidency
did not take place either due to the fact that Krajisnik did not
show up.
(hina) ha as
092128 MET oct 96
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