ZAGREB, Sept 9 (Hina) - The Croatian Metal Workers' Union (SMH) on
Monday announced protest rallies across the country to draw public
attention to "the disastrous position of metal workers, systematic
destruction of companies and negligence of state institutions
towards the metal industry."
SMH president Ivica Jakopcevic told a news conference in
Zagreb that SMH would no longer organize strikes in metal-
manufacturing companies because they were counterproductive to
workers. "Strikes only help the policy of devaluing companies in
order to drive them into bankruptcy and buy them cheaply," he
"At public rallies, the Union will alert the government not
only to low wages and layoffs but also to the fact that the current
economic policy leads to the destruction of domestic production and
complete dependence on import," Jakovcic stressed.
The Union supported a protest rally announced by the Croatian
Homeland War Invalids (HVIDRA) for September 15 in Zagreb, and
called on its membership and demobilized soldiers to join in the
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