SARAJEVO, August 25 (Hina) - The Electoral Appellate Sub-Commission
of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
firmly condemned every political violence against leaders and
sympathizers of opposition parties, OSCE said in a statement,
Bosnian Croat news agency Habena reported on Sunday.
According to the statement, this referred to an increased
number of intimidations at jobs and dismissals of opposition
parties' politicians and supporters.
The Sub-Commission was investigating three incidents in which
supporters of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) of Bosnia-
Herzegovina disturbed political gatherings of the Joint List of
Bosnia-Herzegovina in Gradacac, Srebrenik and Tojisici on 10 and 14
August 1996.
"If the Sub-Commission finds clear evidence of SDA's
involvement in those incidents, it will take penalty measures
against parties or candidates", the statement said.
(hina) ha
251548 MET aug 96
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