SARAJEVO, Sept 5 (Hina) - All details on security measures to be
undertaken on 14 September, election day in Bosnia-Herzegovina, had
still not been agreed on, U.N. spokesman in Sarajevo Aleksandar
Ivanko said on Thursday.
International Police Forces Commissioner Peter Fitzgerald was
still not satisfied with a document to be signed by Bosnian
Federation Minister of the Interior and his deputy and the Interior
Minister of the Serb entity, Ivanko said.
He refused to specify the issues at stake still being
discussed, saying that the final decision must be reached by
An agreement in principle formerly reached by representatives
of the three sides in BH referred to full freedom of movement and
undisturbed crossing of the borderline among entities. Another
agreement in principle was reached that on election day there must
be no arrests of war criminals, except of those against whom
warrants were issued by The Hague Tribunal. Local police would
however have the right and the duty to arrest all those who on 14
September attempted to cause riots and disturb the voting.
(hina) ha jn
051554 MET sep 96
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