SARAJEVO/JAHORINA, 3 September (Hina) - All the doubts have been
dispelled and all the arrangements have been made so that on
the elections day, 14 September, B-H would be the safest
place on Earth, said Deputy Representative for B-H Michael
Steiner after today's meeting with members of the
governments of the two entities and the B-H Republic on
Mount Jahorina, near Sarajevo.
The meeting was attended by the head of the OSCE
mission for B-H Robert Frowick and Deputy Commander IFOR,
Gen. Jean Heinrich.
According to Mr. Steiner, all the parties have agreed
to ensure freedom of movement for all voters who decide to cast
their ballot in a different entity.
The voters should be able to cross the demarcation line at
any point. However, for security reasons IFOR will suggest road
routes that would be monitored by NATO troops, international
police and local police forces. Such routes would connect all the
B-H municipalities.
"We expect that on that day the line between different
ethnic groups will be crossed by 30,000-200,000 people," said
Steiner, adding that voters will not be allowed to carry any
arms, flags or posters.
Carl Bildt's deputy also stated that in spite of
comprehensive security measures that had been agreed with the
interested parties, incidents could not be ruled out. However, he
warned that local authorities were most responsible for security
on the ground.
Steiner added that elections appellate subcommittee would
closely watch the behaviour of local authorities on the elections
day and eliminate all the candidates who violate election rules,
even if they get elected.
Today's meeting at Jahorina Mt endorsed measures that are
meant to facilitate constitution of new authorities. Steiner
explained that the package would include structural and business
legislature that is being drafted by an international group of
experts. The measures will significantly shorter the transition
period and enable B-H to establish economic cooperation with
other countries.
According to Steiner, a new presidency will start working a
few days after the elections. However, constitution of the new
government will take a little longer. Members of the three
governments agreed that next elections in B-H should be held in
1998. They promised to provide the relevant legislature as soon
as possible.
Today Micheal Steiner sharply criticized the most recent
cases of ethnic cleansing in B-H, stressing that areas where such
incidents are recorded would be subjected to economic sanctions
and not given financial aid.
mr (Hina)
032135 MET sep 96
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