ZAGREB, 30 Aug (Hina) - UN police members who were held under
siege in their office in Zvornik for several hours yesterday by a
group of Bosnian Serbs, left the office after the mob dispersed, UN
spokesman in Sarajevo Alexander Ivanko said.
At around 5 p.m. yesterday, some 600 Serb civilians surrounded
the office of international police forces in Zvornik, on the
Bosnian-Yugoslav border. Two Russian, one Ukrainian and Indian
officers and three civilians were in the office, international
police representatives in Tuzla said.
The Serbs threw stones and destroyed four UN vehicles and
injured a civilian who works for the international police,
spokesman for the international police in Tuzla Andrea Agnelli
The incident was probably an answer to yesterday's detention
of 46 Serb policemen who attacked a group of 30 Muslims who had
returned to the village of Mahala, near Tuzla, which is now in the
Bosnian Serb entity.
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