TUZLA, Aug 29 (Hina) - The Tuzla-based Office of the International
Police Forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina on Thursday reported about a
shooting in the village of Mahala near Zvornik, Serb entity, which
took place from 10.40 until a little after 11.00 this morning, when
three planes of the NATO-led Peace Implementation Force (IFOR)
arrived at the site.
According to the Office, the shooting came about when, around
10.40 a.m., 50 Serb policemen surrounded Mahala, to which some 30
Bosniak-Muslim displaced persons had returned three days before.
The Office said that, until this morning's incident, there was
no tension because of the returnees.
The international police do not know who started the shooting,
but it was later determined that the Muslim returnees did not carry
IFOR soldiers temporarily detained 46 Serb policemen, supposed
to be released after an afternoon meeting of representatives of
IFOR, the international police forces, and the Zvornik Mayor and
chief of the police.
The International Police Office in Tuzla pointed out that this
was the largest incident after the signing of the Dayton Agreement
and that several Bosniak-Muslims had been beaten up.
(hina) ha
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