SARAJEVO, August 26 (Hina) - A government delegation of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) headed by vice-president Nikola
Sainovic on Monday visited Sarajevo in an attempt to restore talks
which would lead to the establishment of economic cooperation
between FRY and Bosnia-Herzegovina (BH).
Sainovic and representatives of the Yugoslav Chamber of
Commerce, led by its president Vlajko Stoiljkovic, were received by
Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic.
State media in Sarajevo pointed out that the delegation
negotiated on economic, and not political, relations between the
two countries.
Yugoslav officials also talked with vice-president of the
Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina Ejup Ganic and Bosnian Premier
Hasan Muratovic.
According to Muratovic, it had been agreed that experts would
soon meet and determine ways of payment between the two countries,
determine border crossings and ways of transporting goods and
passengers and to fully respect laws valid in both BH and FRY
as regarded economic cooperation.
Muratovic said that economic relations must be restored as
soon as possible since that would lead to the restoring of other
relations as well.
The development of economic relations would be the best
guarantor of the Dayton Agreement, said Sainovic.
Also taking part in today's talks was U.S. Ambassador to BH
John Menzies, who said that his government welcomed the
considerable progress in the talks between Belgrade and Sarajevo
and that it would help the cooperation to continue.
(hina) ha jn
261921 MET aug 96
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