SARAJEVO, Aug 26 (Hina) - The largest Moslem party in Bosnia, the
Democratic Action Party (SDA), asked the Bosnian Assembly to assess
whether conditions for holding the elections in line with the
Dayton agreement existed.
"It is clear that at this moment even the minimal conditions
for holding the elections do not exist," SDA spokesman Ismet Grbo
told Monday's news conference in Sarajevo.
He said that the SDA would carefully analyse the situation in
the next few days and make a final decision about participating in
the elections.
Officials of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE) were expected to clearly state whether there existed
conditions for the holding of the elections or not by the time they
were scheduled to take place, Grbo said.
The SDA felt that there should be no possibility of voting on
the basis of the P-2 ballot (voting in the municipality where the
voter had not lived in 1991), because this would legitimize
genocide and ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, Grbo said.
SDA main committee asked the Provisional Electoral Committee
to publicize a corrected electoral list for the whole of Bosnia and
if all irregularities were not able to be removed, to postpone the
date of elections.
"We hope that the Provisional Electoral Committee and the OSCE
mission will consider our observations," Grbo said.
He added that the SDA had not been informed by OSCE that
Bosnian refugees in Turkey had began to vote and expressed
astonishment at the fact.
(hina) lm jn
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