BELGRADE, August 25 (Hina) - The integral text of the Agreement on
the Normalization of Relations Between the Republic of Croatia and
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) was on Sunday published
only by the Serb "Dnevni Telegraf" daily.
The non-publication of the Agreement enables different
interpretations of its contents and the singling out of those
regulations estimated to benefit the Yugoslav side.
Firstly, the acknowledgment of continuity of statehood of FRY,
followed by the rights on the return of Serb refugees to Croatia,
the return of their property and the right to pensions earned in
The daily completely ignores Articles 1 and 2 of the
Agreement, according to which "the Contracting Parties respect each
other as independent, sovereign and equal states within their
respective international borders" and "shall respect the
sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of the other
Contracting Party".
The majority of the Serb population, informed exclusively via
state media, still does not know that by signing an agreement on
the normalization of relations with Croatia, FRY acknowledged "the
existence of the continuity of Croatia's statehood". All articles
and commentaries point out only that Croatia acknowledged FRY's
statehood continuity.
(hina) ha lm
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