ZAGREB, Aug 23 (Hina) - Following is the full text of the agreement
on the normalization of relations between Croatia and Yugoslavia,
which was signed in Belgrade on Friday.
"The Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(hereinafter: Contracting Parties),
aware of their responsibility for establishing and maintaining
peace and security in the region,
desiring to contribute to it by normalizing relations between them,
aiming at advancing the relations between their peoples and
have hereby agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Contracting Parties respect each other as independent,
sovereign and equal states within their respective international
Article 2
Each Contracting Party, in accordance with international law, shall
respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of
the other Contracting Party. The Contracting Parties confirm that
they shall have their borders regulated and delimitation carried
out solely in mutual agreement, that they shall resolve disputes
peacefully and refrain from threats or use of force, in accordance
with the United Nations Charter. The Contracting Parties shall
strive to strengthen mutual confidence, goodwill and tolerance, and
shall cooperate to promote peace, stability and development in the
Article 3
Within 15 days from signing this Agreement, the Contracting Parties
shall establish full diplomatic and consular relations. The
Contracting Parties shall immediately raise their existing
representative missions to the level of embassies, and shall
exchange ambassadors.
Article 4
The Contracting Parties agree to resolve the disputed issue of
Prevlaka by negotiations, in order to avoid tensions present on
both sides with regard to this area, which shall contribute to the
full security of the part of the Republic of Croatia in the region
of Dubrovnik and the part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in
the region of the Boka Kotorska bay. The Contracting Parties shall
resolve this important disputed issue through negotiations in the
spirit of the United Nations Charter and good neighbourly
Until the mutual agreement on Prevlaka is reached, the Contracting
Parties agree to respect the security regime established during the
monitoring by the United Nations.
Article 5
Starting from the historical fact that Serbia and Montenegro
existed as independent states prior to the creation of Yugoslavia,
and bearing in mind the fact that Yugoslavia extended the
international legal status of these states, the Republic of Croatia
acknowledges the existence of the continuity of statehood of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Starting from the historical fact of existence of various forms of
state organization of Croatia in the past, the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia acknowledges the existence of the continuity of Croatian
The Contracting Parties agree to resolve the SFRY succession issues
on the basis of the rules of international law on state succession,
and in mutual agreement.
Article 6
The Contracting Parties undertake to accelerate the process of
resolving the issue of the missing persons without delay, whereas
both Contracting Parties shall immediately exchange any available
data on such persons.
Article 7
The Contracting Parties shall provide conditions for a free and
safe return of refugees and displaced persons to their places of
residence or to other places they freely choose. The Contracting
Parties shall provide for the reinstatement of such persons in the
possession of their property, i.e. for just compensation.
The Contracting Parties shall provide full security to the refugees
and displaced persons who return. The Contracting Parties shall
assist such persons in securing the necessary conditions for a
normal and secure life.
The Contracting Parties shall declare general amnesty for all acts
committed in connection with armed conflicts, except for the
gravest violations of humanitarian law characterized as war crimes.
The Contracting Parties shall encourage consistent and full
implementation of the Erdut Agreement on the Croatian Danube
Each Contracting Party guarantees equal legal protection of the
property of natural persons who have the citizenship of the other
Contracting Party and legal entities who have their seat in the
other Contracting Party, as enjoyed by its own citizens and legal
Within six months from the entry of this Agreement into force, the
Contracting Parties shall conclude an agreement on the compensation
for any destroyed, damaged or missing property. Such agreement
shall determine the procedures for exercising the right to just
compensation without including legal action.
For the purpose of implementing the commitments under this Article,
a joint commission consisting of three representatives of each
Contracting Party, respectively, shall be established within 30
days from the signing of this Agreement.
Article 8
The Contracting Parties shall guarantee the Serbs and Montenegrins
in the Republic of Croatia and the Croats in the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia all rights they are entitled to on the basis of
international law.
Article 9
The Contracting Parties shall, within six months from entering into
force of this Agreement, conclude a separate social security
agreement which shall include disability, health and aged pension
insurance, including the payment of aged pensions. The Contracting
Parties shall, if need be, conclude other agreements as well, to
resolve labour and status issues.
Article 10
The Contracting Parties shall continue to cooperate in the
normalization of road, railway, air and river traffic on the basis
of the principle of reciprocity and good neighbourly relations.
Article 11
Internal regulations relating to the stay and movement of
foreigners shall apply without discrimination upon the entry,
movement and stay of citizens and vehicles of one Contracting Party
on the territory of the other Contracting Party.
Article 12
The Contracting Parties shall continue to advance their postal,
telephone, telegraph communications and other telecommunications.
Article 13
The Contracting Parties shall, without delay, enter the conclusion
of mutual agreements in the fields of economy, science, education,
environmental protection, as well as other issues of mutual
interest to the Contracting Parties.
The Contracting Parties shall, without delay, conclude an agreement
on cultural cooperation which shall include the maintenance and
restoration of cultural heritage.
Article 14
This Agreement has been done in 2 (two) originals, in the Croatian
and Serbian languages respectively, both versions being equally
This Agreement shall be provisionally applied from the date of its
signing, and shall enter into force when the Contracting Parties
notify each other through diplomatic channels that it has been
confirmed by their respective competent authorities."
(hina) vm
231816 MET aug 96
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