OSIJEK, Aug 20 (Hina) - The bishop of Djakovo, Ciril Kos, and
bishop coadjutor Marin Srakic on Tuesday met for talks with the
UN transitional administrator of Serb-held eastern Croatia,
Jacques Klein.
The meeting, organized by the Croatian government office
for the occupied area, was held in the rectory of the Church of
St. Peter and Paul in Osijek.
The talks focused on the role of religious communities in
the peaceful reintegration process and the possibility of
visiting destroyed churches in the UN-administered area.
Kos asked Klein to make it possible for Catholic bishops
and priests to visit the devastated parishes. "For us, that area
is still under occupation because we cannot go there freely," Kos
Kos recalled that 36 parishes were still occupied and
that only one Croatian Catholic priest remained in the entire
area, in the border town of Ilok.
Klein expressed satisfaction with the meeting and said
that he would make every effort to ensure that all people could
practice their religion.
We are faced with the difficult but important task of
building the bridges of Christian reconciliation, Klein said.
(hina) vm
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