VINKOVCI, July 29 (Hina) - Experts of the Croatian Oil Industry INA
on Monday held a meeting with 130 Serbs, workers at oil wells in
Djeletovci, under the supervision of the UNTAES Jordanian
battalion. No Serb leader from the area attended the meeting, held
near the still occupied village of Nijemci.
After having taken control over oil wells and machinery in
Djeletovci, INA wants to invest in the revitalization of the oil
fields, and welcome workers who have worked there in the past five
years. Their rights and duties would be the same as of every INA
The next meeting will be held on 1 August.
Oil fields in Ilaca are in the worst condition and INA
demanded that the Jordanian battalion supervised that area which is
still being systematically looted by Serb rebels.
Demining of oil wells and machinery should be completed by 15
August, when they should start working.
(hina) ha mm
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