ZAGREB, August 1 (Hina) - Croatia is providing care for 382,034
displaced persons, returnees and refugees, 183,133 out of which are
from Bosnia-Herzegovina. 76 per cent of Bosnian refugees are Croat
and currently there are some 100,000 Bosnian refugees settled in
Croatia, says a Report from the Office for Displaced Persons and
Refugees, discussed by the Croatian government on Thursday.
Croatian Premier Zlatko Matesa said there was no reason for
refugees from the Bosnian Federation who could return to their
homes to remain in Croatia, adding that their refugee status would
become invalid in October.
Head of the Office for Displaced Persons and Refugees Damir
Zoric said that this referred to 43,500 persons, pointing out that
27,000 were Croats from the mainly Croat municipalities in the
Bosnian Federation, while 16,000 were Muslims from municipalities
where they were in the majority.
Zoric said the issue would be solved after the Bosnian
(hina) ha mm
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