GLAMOC, Jul 15 (Hina) - Chairman of the Bosnian Serb POWs
Commission, Dragan Bulajic, travelled to Glamoc on Monday to exhume
the bodies of Serb soldiers killed during HVO (Croatian Defence
Council) operations in Glamoc last summer. He was accompanied by a
35-strong exhumation crew.
Bulajic and his associates met a representative of the Bosnian
Croat POWs Office, Zeljko Barbaric, and International Police
representatives, led by the IPTF Commander in the Livno District,
Frank Laweski.
The Serb side contended that about a hundred Serb soldiers
were buried in mass graves near the village of Vrba and in the
immediate vicinity of the Glama factory.
The Croatian side denied the existence of any graves at these
No exhumation was attempted.
Several of Bulajic's associates then left for Kupres to meet
the head of the Bosnian Croat POWs exchange office Berislav Pusic.
(hina) as
151947 MET jul 96
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