TRAVNIK, July 10 (Hina) - The exhumation of a mass grave began on
Wednesday near the Croat village of Maljina near Travnik (central
The grave is assumed to hold the remains of 36 Croats from
Maljina who were killed by the Bosnian army and mujahedeen troops
on June 8 1993.
The exhumation is supervised by members of a task force of the
International Peace Coordinator Carl Bildt, international police,
IFOR and European Monitoring Mission representatives,
representatives of the Herzeg-Bosnian and Bosnian government
Offices for POW Exchange, as well as a representative of the Serb
A pathologist with the Firule hospital from Split, Marija
Definis, is assisting in the exhumation.
According to the remains of bodies found outside the grave, it
can be assumed that the victims' bodies had been transferred.
(hina) lm jn
102052 MET jul 96
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