NEW YORK, Jul 15 (Hina) - The UN Security Council on Monday
extended the mandate of UN military observers in Croatia's Prevlaka
peninsula till the 15th of January, 1997.
The Security Council unanimously passed a Resolution calling
on Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to continue talks
on the normalisation of bilateral relations.
The Resolution laid emphasis on the need to resolve
differences by peaceful means.
The Resolution called on both sides to accept the practical
measures for defusing tension proposed by UN monitors.
The Resolution once again confirmed the independence,
sovereignty and territorial integrity of Croatia.
The UN Secretary-General is instructed to report to the
Council on the situation in Prevlaka and any progress toward the
normalisation of relations between Croatia and Yugoslavia, not
later than January 5.
Military observers have been stationed in Prevlaka since
October 1992.
(hina) as
151912 MET jul 96
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