SARAJEVO, Jul 15 (Hina) - The IFOR command has discontinued all
Bosnian army flights, the IFOR headquarters in Sarajevo said on
This punitive measure was applied after a Portuguese NATO
patrol discovered, during a surprise check, an arms shipment in a
Bosnian army helicopter which was supposed to carry passengers.
Instead of passengers, the helicopter carried four rocket
launchers and 140 anti-aircraft cannon shells, according to IFOR
spokesman Bratt Boudreau. The ammunition was confiscated.
Boudreau described the incident as a blatant violation of the
military part of the peace agreement.
On Friday, IFOR troops confiscated from Bosnian Serbs two 130-
mm cannons stationed in a no-arms zone, Boudreaeu said. The cannons
were transferred to Sarajevo and would probably be destroyed.
NATO soldiers were put on full alert and instructed to
intervene if anybody tried to obstruct UNHCR shuttle buses between
Banja Luka (the Serb entity) and Zenica (the Bosnian Federation).
Serb authorities have made several attempts to obstruct UNHCR
traffic in the past few weeks.
(hina) jn as
151719 MET jul 96
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