TOMISLAVGRAD, July 6 (Hina) - A multimedia project "Croatian
Parliament" was on Friday opened in front of the Tomislavgrad
Basilica (south-west Bosnia), which was built on the 1000th
anniversary of the crowning of king Tomislav (1925).
The prefect of the Herzeg-Bosnian County Filip Andric
addressed the visitors on behalf of the host.
Present at the ceremony were President of the Bosnian
Federation Kresimir Zubak, president of the Constitutional Assembly
of the Bosnian Federation Mariofil Ljubic, a Croatian Parliament
envoy Vladimir Seks, Croatian President's Office envoy Andjelko
Mijatovic, some fifty members of the Croatian Parliament and
Federation Constitutional Assembly, provincial of the Herzegovian
Francescan province father Tomislav Pervan and many other high
officials from Croatia and Herzeg-Bosnia.
"The aim of the multimedia project is to, through words and
pictures, make the Croatian youth interested in deliberation of
their one thousand year old history, but also of the modern times
in which we again obtained the free and independent Croatia,"
president of the HDZ Youth Mario Kapulica said.
"The Croat people in Bosnia-Herzegovina had great people
through its history who were not allowed to be mentioned, so after
12 centuries we can finally celebrate and revive the memory of the
first Croatian Parliament which took place on the historic Duvno
Field where the first Croatian king, Tomislav, was crowned,"
Mariofil Ljubic said.
Vladimir Seks recalled the chronology of historic events from
the first Croatian Parliament and the creation of the Croatian
state to recent events in which the Croat people won their
independent country.
Father Pervan called the whole of the Croat people to unite,
saying that the young Croatian state still had many enemies.
After the addresses, the choir and orchestra played an
oratorio "King Tomislav" by a young Croatian composer from
Varazdin, Davor Bobic, and librettist Boro Pavlovic.
The audience greeted the performers with a long applause and
the Croatian National Theatre from Split did a play "The First
Croatian Parliament", whose author is Antun Abramovic and director
Leo Katunaric.
(hina) lm jn
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