$ ON
BRUSSELS, July 4 (Hina) - Croatian Deputy Foreign Minister Ivan
Simonovic on Wednesday informed a European Parliament Commission
for relations with south-east Europe about the successful
implementation of the peaceful reintegration in the Croatian
Danubian area, the return of refugees and about Croatia's support
to the Bosnian Federation.
He especially commended the decision of the Council of Europe
Committee of Ministers which invited Croatia to become a full
Simonovic said that such a decision would surely contribute to
the further establishing of democracy in Croatia and the successful
implementation of the peace process.
It also opened the doors of the PHARE programme and for the
continuation of talks about an agreement on cooperation with the
European Union, Simonovic said.
Simonovic's speech was aimed at thoroughly preparing a meeting
between a Croatian Parliament delegation with the European
Parliament delegation for relations with south-east Europe which is
to take place in Strasbourg on 17 and 18 July, at which the
delegations are to discuss the relations between the European Union
and Croatia.
(hina) lm jn
041156 MET jul 96
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