SARAJEVO, July 1 (Hina) - The elections held in Mostar on Sunday
represented an undoubtedly big success for the European
Administration and all Mostar inhabitants, but were also an
incentive for further implementing the Dayton agreement, Deputy
High Representative for the Implementation of the Peace Agreement,
Michael Steiner, said in Sarajevo on Monday.
Steiner said the Mostar elections could represent an important
turning-point for the whole Bosnia-Herzegovina, especially since
there had been no incidents and the organization was good. He added
that the situation had been very good at all polling places and
that a lot of refugees had a chance to see their hometown for the
first time after three or four years.
"On the basis of the Mostar experience I think that, with
ensuring some additional conditions, it will be possible to
organize and hold elections in all Bosnia-Herzegovina in
September", Steiner said.
Spokesman for the NATO-led peace implementation force (IFOR),
Simon Haselock, said that according to their information, 52 buses
with about 1,800 Mostar inhabitants who wanted to take part in the
elections had arrived in town on Sunday.
Haselock pointed out that in the next days IFOR would try to
keep freedom of movement in Mostar on the level achieved during the
(hina) ha jn
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