SARAJEVO, 11 June (Hina) - The alliance of five opposition
parties, which intends to participate in the local elections in
Mostar, asked from the European Union to enable the alliance to
put up their own list of candidates for the City Council.
The alliance includes the Social-Democratic Party (SDP) of
Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Croatian Peasants' Party (HSS) of Bosnia-
Herzegovina, the Republican Party, the Union of Bosnian-
Herzegovinian Social-Democrats (UBSD) and the Muslim-Bosniac
Organisation (MBO). Its representatives yesterday tried but
failed to submit a list with the names of 22 candidates for the
elections to the Mostar City Council.
Representatives of the European Administration of Mostar and
the Temporary Election Commission in Mostar stated that the
deadline for submitting the lists with election candidates
expired on 9 June at midnight.
Vice President of SDP, Zlatko Lagumdzija told a press
conference in Sarajevo today that the deadline had not been
publicized in the media, nor was it known to the public.
According to the current Election Law, the deadline for the
registration of candidates expires twenty days before the
election date, which, in the case of Mostar, is June 10.
The acting president of HSS of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Stanko
Sliskovic, said that the creation of the joint list of opposition
parties was an attempt to dissolve the 'political hypnosis
imposed by the leading parties'.
UBSD Vice President Sejfudin Tokic accused the Social-
Democratic Action (SDA) and the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ),
the representatives of which make up the Mostar election
commission, of trying to destroy their political rivals.
Opposition members stressed that their stance met full
understanding of Carl Bildt's office.
(hina) rm jn
111825 MET jun 96
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