ZAGREB, June 21 (Hina) - The Croatian oil company "Adriatic Oil
Pipeline" (JANAF) has agreed with the Serbian "Jugopetrol" oil
inustry to open an oil pipeline between Croatia and Serbia for a
trial period, JANAF director Ante Cicin-Sain said on Friday.
During the trial period, 100,000 tons of oil would be
transported to detect possible flaws in the pipeline connecting
Omisalj, on the northern Adriatic island of Krk, to the northern
Serbian city of Novi Sad, Cicin-Sain told Hina.
The oil would flow to Novi Sad after a tanker arrived in the
port of Omis with oil bought by "Jugopetrol", he said.
Cicin-Sain said that the two companies would continue talks on
the question of JANAF's property confiscated during the Serb
occupation of areas of Croatia through which the oil pipeline
(hina) vm jn
211552 MET jun 96
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