SARAJEVO, Jun 19 (Hina) - The OIC (Organisation of Islamic
Conference) Fund-Raising Task Group for Bosnia-Herzegovina today
closed a two-day meeting, held in Sarajevo behind closed door.
The meeting discussed the assistance OIC members were willing
to grant within the framework of the "Train and Equip" program.
Malaysia confirmed its intention to earmark US$ 10 million for
that purpose, official sources said after the meeting.
Representatives of 17 Islamic countries requested the Bosnian
Government to elaborate a concrete project for the development of
small and medium-sized companies in the next two weeks. The project
would be financed from a special fund set up by OIC members.
Brunei representatives immediately left for Travnik, where
facilities for refugees from Srebrenica are to be constructed with
Brunei's sponsorship.
(hina) as
192302 MET jun 96
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