SARAJEVO, Jun 19 (Hina) - The office of Bosnian Federation
President Kresimir Zubak on Wednesday issued a statement deploring
the "vilification" of Herzeg-Bosnia's "perfectly rational" decision
to shake up its government, the Bosnian Croat news agency Habena
"The government of Herzeg-Bosnia has been streamlined - only
those ministries that are essential to ensure normal life in the
areas where Bosnian Federation authorities are not functioning have
been kept," the statement said.
"Many ministries have been cancelled so as to gradually reduce
the dualism of government on Federation territory," the statement
"The government of Herzeg-Bosnia will continue to gradually
transfer its authority to federal government bodies; however, as a
prerequisite for this, it is necessary to establish efficient
federal institutions," the statement concluded.
(hina) as
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