ZAGREB, June 19 (Hina) - Croatian Culture Minister Bozo Biskupic on
Wednesday handed the highest state awards for culture "Vladimir
Nazor" for 1995.
The Life Achievement Award for Literature went to the late
Croatian Dominican Rajmund Kupareo, who achieved a respectable
career as a professor of aesthetics in Chile and wrote 25 books.
The Life Achievement Award for Music went to composer and
organist Andjelko Klobucar, the greatest master of organ music of
the second part of the 20th century.
The Life Achievement Award for Film went to academic painter
Zeljko Senecic, who designed sets for more than 60 films, 20
television serials and about 30 stage plays.
Other Life Achievement Awards went to sculptress Milena Lah
for fine arts, film director, writer and theatre pedagogue Tomislav
Durbesic for theatre and architect Zoja Dumendzic for architecture.
The yearly award for literature went to Ante Stamac for his
poetry collection "Crne rupe mracni soneti" (Black Holes Dark
Sonnets), for music to Vladimir Kranjcevic, for film to academic
cameraman Vjekoslav Vrdoljak, for fine arts to Ivan Lesnjak, for
theatre to the Imago ensemble, for architecture to Velimir
Neidhart, Marijan Hrzic, Zvonimir Krznaric and Davor Mance for
their project of the National University Library in Zagreb.
(hina) ha mm
191818 MET jun 96
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