OSIJEK, June 13 (Hina) - Fifty-two Croatian refugees from Antunovac
in Serb-occupied Eastern Slavonia visited their village on Thursday
for the first time after five years to attend mass marking the
holiday of the villages's patron saint Anthony of Padua.
The service, organized by the Croatian government office for
reintegration of the occupied areas of Eastern Slavonia, Baranja
and Western Srijem and the UN transitional administration for the
areas (UNTAES), was held in the centre of the village where a
makeshift altar had been set up because the Church of St Anthony of
Padua had been razed to the ground.
The refugees were guarded by UNTAES troops and local Serb
police. As soon as the mass was over they returned to Osijek where
they held a press conference.
Refugees said that Antunovac had been almost completely
destroyed but that they had not been allowed to make a tour of the
village and see their homes.
The press conference was attended by Osijek County prefect
Branimir Glavas who said that he had demanded that UNTAES organize
a visit to Aljmas on August 15, on Assumption Day, since this
Catholic holiday had been celebrated by that village for centuries.
(hina) vm jn
132022 MET jun 96
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