ZAGREB, 10 June (Hina) - The head of the Croatian Democratic
Union (HDZ) Group for Negotiations on Possible Cooperation With
the Croatian Social-Liberal Party (HSLS), Ivic Pasalic, presented
at today's press conference 'HDZ Platform Starting Points for
Talks on Cooperation Between HDZ and HSLS', which consists of 19
A great majority of the Croatian public supported the
adoption of a political agreement between the two political
parties, which would secure Croatia's stability and strengthen
its sovereignty.
The text on the basis for agreement between HDZ and HSLS
says that the two parties will continue to coordinate joint
efforts in order to establish the territorial integrity of
Croatia by carrying out the peaceful reintegration of the
Croatian Danubian area; strengthen and preserve the Croatian
state sovereignty; secure Croatia's admission to the European
integration processes and refuse to accept Croatia's joining any
HDZ and HSLS will support implementation of the Washington,
Dayton, Paris and other agreements; both parties agree that the
reconstruction of the country and the solution of problems of all
victims of war and their families are Croatia's top priority, the
text says.
'HDZ and HSLS will do all they can to ensure that consistent
respect for human freedoms and rights and the rule of law be
implemented at all levels of state authority'.
'HDZ and HSLS will advocate and protect the independence of
the media and freedom of press in line with the highest standards
of developed European democratic systems, based on the principles
of respect for the constitutional order, international
conventions and freedom and responsibility of the individual'.
'The two parties will continue and speed up the
rationalization of state administration; they will work on the
modeling and implementation of the developmental economic policy
which would secure high employment rates, and they will advocate
the preservation and reconstruction of villages'.
HDZ and HSLS, the text said, would 'actively advocate the
establishment of Croatia as a social state and a state of social
'For the sake of successful implementation of the
aforementioned principles, HDZ and HSLS accept that the
establishment of all administrative and self-government bodies at
all levels, starting from the municipal level, to the city and
county and to the bodies of central state authority, be
established on the basis of election results. This means that the
party, which wins the majority of votes, gets the mandate to form
the bodies of executive authority, with HDZ and HSLS
participating in the forming of authority in accordance with
their electoral results', the text says.
(hina) rm jn
102056 MET jun 96
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