ZAGREB, June 6 (Hina) - The British government has agreed that
its export credit guarantee department will provide insurance for
exports to Croatia, British Ambassador to Croatia Gavin Hewitt
said in Zagreb on Thursday after talks with Croatian Prime
Minister Zlatko Matesa.
Hewitt said that it was good news for Croatia because "it
expresses our confidence in this market." "It is good news for
British business, and it is good news for the development
generally of the economy here," he added.
Croatia had been pressing the British government for years
to ensure support for British investment in Croatia, Hewitt said.
Matesa said that he was very pleased with the announcement
from the British ambassador. "This means that the financing of
short-, medium- and long-term loans by Britain is ensured, which
is very positive for the development of our economic and
political relations," the prime minister said.
(hina) vm
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