ZADAR, June 5 (Hina) - The exhumation of 27 bodies from a mass
grave in the village of Skabrnja near the central Adriatic port of
Zadar started on Wednesday.
The mass grave holds the bodies of civilians killed by rebel
Serb forces and the Yugoslav army after they had occupied the
village in November 1991.
According to the survived villagers, they had mostly been
older people who had not wanted to leave the village.
After the Serb paramilitary forces killed them, they buried
them in a trench near the local school.
The exhumation in Skabrnja is coordinated by the Croatian
government Commission for Missing and Detained Persons.
The president of the Commission, Major Ivan Grujic, on
Wednesday informed reporters that the exhumation of Skabrnja
victims would last until Thursday.
Present at the site are also families of the killed persons to
facilitate the identification of the bodies.
Victims of the massacre in Skabrnja will be buried in the
local cemetery on Saturday.
(hina) lm jn
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