ZAGREB, June 4 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic on
Tuesday spoke about the current foreign affairs situation at a
session of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Croatian House of
Representatives. He answered the representatives' questions on the
peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danubian area and the
admission of Croatia into the Council of Europe.
Ante Djapic of the Croatian Party of Right (HSP) asked Granic
for an account of the Geneva talks between Croatian President
Franjo Tudjman and presidents Alija Izetbegovic of Bosnia-
Herzegovina and Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia. Djapic also asked for
a commentary on some media reports on an alleged standstill in the
process of peaceful reintegration.
Answering the questions, Granic said that the talks with
President Izetbegovic had been held in a very pleasant atmosphere
and focused on several important issues on which both Tudjman and
Izetbegovic agreed, such as a defense act, the freedom of the
media, the release of some prisoners and the elections.
Speaking about Tudjman's talks with Milosevic, Granic said
that the Serbian president once again mentioned the issue of the
Prevlaka peninsula (the Serb proposal for an exchange of
territories in southern Croatia), which Croatia firmly rejected
once again. The talks also focused on the requests for the autonomy
of the Croatian Danubian area and on this point Milosevic said that
it was not Serbia, but local Serbs who encouraged autonomy.
Speaking about the peaceful reintegration of eastern Slavonia,
Baranja and western Sirmium, Granic said that there was no
standstill in the process, adding that at the moment everything was
focused on demilitarization. Croatia would not consent to any talks
on autonomy, save for talks on the implementation of the peaceful
integration process, Granic stressed.
Ivan Jakovcic of the Istrian Democratic Assembly and Zdravko
Tomac of the Social Democratic Party wanted to know about the
process of Croatia's admission into the Council of Europe. Granic
said that four or five items were expected from Strasbourg today on
which the Croatian government should issue a statement within a
week. After that, a discussion on Croatia was expected on 24 June,
and the admission could take place on July 1 or 2.
The above mentioned items referred to Croatia's entire
contribution to the peace process, the cooperation between Croatia
and the Hague-based international tribunal on the return of Serbs,
the solution to the problem of the election of the Zagreb mayor and
on the media.
Granic said that the items were not new obligations on
Croatia's part, that nothing had to be signed again, but that the
Croatian government was expected to issue a statement on these
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