ZAGREB, June 4 (Hina) - President of the Zagreb City Council
Zdravko Tomac on Tuesday forwarded an open letter to the Croatian
Prime Minister Zlatko Matesa asking him to take immediate measures
for resolving the Zagreb crisis.
Tomac told a news conference in Zagreb on Tuesday that he held
Matesa and the Croatian government fully responsible for the
authority crisis in Zagreb.
The present "illegal and unconstitutional situation is the
result of not executing electoral results regarding the
organization of executive authority in Zagreb and the Zagreb
County," Tomac said.
The government should dismiss the present city mayor because
the City Council had given her a vote of no confidence, after which
a new mayor should be nominated, Tomac said.
Until that happened, Zagreb and the Zagreb County did not have
a legal prefect and City administration but a group of people
posing as such.
(hina) lm jn
041549 MET jun 96
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