ZAGREB, June 3 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic on
Monday received a European Parliament delegation led by the
president of the Foreign Relations Committee, Jose Maria Mendiluce,
a Foreign Ministry statement said.
Granic informed the European parliamentarians about results of
Sunday's talks in Geneva. He stressed the support of all
participants in the day-long meeting for continuation of the
peaceful reintegration of the remaining occupied areas of eastern
Croatia reiterated its commitment to meet the highest
international standards of human and minority rights in the areas
of Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem and elsewhere in
the country, he said.
Granic stressed that none of the participants in the Geneva
talks had supported demands by local Serb authorities in the
occupied areas for autonomy.
In talks with representatives of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the
Bosnian Croat-Moslem Federation important agreements were reached
on further steps to strengthen the Federation, Granic said,
emphasizing an agreement on a Federation Armed Forces Law.
Speaking of Croatian priorities, Granic reiterated Croatia's
orientation towards European integrations and full membership in
the Council of Europe.
Croatia wanted an open dialogue with the Council of Europe and
was willing to respect European standards, but it did not want its
membership to depend on other countries that had emerged in the
area of the former Yugoslavia, Granic said.
(hina) vm jn
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