SARAJEVO, May 24 (Hina) - Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and
military commander Ratko Mladic must be arrested and handed over to
the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague as a
precondition for the full implementation of the Dayton peace
agreement and a lasting peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina, UN spokesman
Alexander Ivanko said in Sarajevo on Friday.
Ivanko said that the greatest responsibility for their
apprehesion lay with Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic who had
assumed this obligation by signing the peace agreement.
The entire international community would continue to exert
pressure on Milosevic, Ivanko said, adding that the Hague-based
tribunal would soon hold a hearing of evidence against Karadzic and
Mladic after which it could issue warrants for their arrest.
The two had been indicted for war crimes, including genocide
and organized terror against the civilian population in Bosnia-
Commenting on announcements that could be heard in the last
few days, that Karadzic would be less seen and heard from, Ivanko
said that it was absolutely not enough.
(hina) vm jn
241647 MET may 96
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