ZAGREB, March 23 (Hina) - Satisfaction with the implementation of
the military aspects of the Dayton peace accord and concern over
the lagging implementation of its political and civilian elements
were the main accents of the Saturday Contact Group conference in
Moscow, according to Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic.
"As for the Republic of Croatia, we expressed full support to
the Federation and the whole Dayton process," Granic told Croatian
Radio just before the beginning of the afternoon session.
Among his numerous bilateral meetings, Granic singled out
talks with German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel, the European Union
foreign policy commissioner Hans van den Broek and Italian Foreign
Minister Susanna Agnelli. The meeting focused on Croatia's
admission to the Council of Europe and other European integrations.
"All the ministers present here have supported Croatia's
integration into European structures, particularly the Council of
Europe," he said.
He stressed that Croatia's wish to assist the establishment of
the Bosnian Federation had met with understanding from all
"Even though the meeting discussed many problems the
Federation is currently grappling with, very few criticisms were
directed at Croatia," Granic said.
The participants have also expressed support to Croatia's
efforts in the peaceful reintegration of the Danubian area,
according to Granic.
(hina) as
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