ZAGREB, March 4 (Hina) - The Monday edition of the Zagreb-based
daily VJESNIK runs a front-page story on the process of the
peaceful reintegration of Eastern Slavonia, under the headline
"Croatia's Most Important Issue."
The Croatian postal, railway, power and other public companies
have made all necessary preparations for normalizing living
conditions in the occupied areas in the shortest possible time, the
article says.
"Croatia Does Not Condone Crimes" is the headline of a Vjesnik
article on war crimes committed by Serbs and Croats.
"The Future of the Serb People Is Determined by Their Own
Politicians" is the headline of a Vjesnik story on a Serb exodus
from Sarajevo suburbs.
Another Zagreb-based daily, VECERNJI LIST, carries an
interview with Croatian Army Major Ivan Grujic on the problem of
missing persons.
In the interview headlined "Belgrade Withholding Information
on 1,700 Killed", Grujic says that Croatia and Serbia are expected
to sign a protocol on the matter soon.
Vecernji List writes about a bombing attack on a joint police
patrol in Moslem-held east Mostar on Saturday.
The privatization of companies in the Serb-occupied areas of
eastern Croatia is the subject of a Vecernji List story headlined
"(UN Transitional Administrator) Klein Must Put a Stop to Robbery."
(hina) vm mm
041038 MET mar 96
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