MOSTAR, Jan 16 (Hina) - Western European Union police and local
Croat and Moslem police forces have significantly improved
cooperation in the southern Bosnian town of Mostar, the WEU police
force in Mostar said in a statement on Tuesday.
The three police forces held a meeting in the WEU police
station in Mostar on Tuesday to exchange important evidence and
data on recent incidents in the town which had resulted in injuries
and deaths.
"It is the first meeting since closer cooperaton was agreed
upon last week at the instigation of the Western European Union
police," the statement said, adding that "meeting is showing
promise that the agreement will be effective."
WEU police chief Col. Pieter Lamrechtse said after the talks
that he was confident that this was only the beginning of much
stronger efforts of the three police departments.
(hina) vm jn
161950 MET jan 96
KL: Djurgarden izbacio Pafos
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