( Editorial: --> 0371 )
WASHINGTON, Dec 22 (Hina) - A security arrangement for Prevlaka,
Croatia's southern-most tip bordering with the Montenegro, can be
found as soon as Belgrade begins to respect Croatia's territorial
integrity, Croatia's Ambassador to the United Nations Ivan
Simonovic said Monday.
"The Croatian Government strongly believes that a proper security
arrangement, consistent with international law and the security
interests of the two states, can be found as soon as the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia begins to respect the basic principle of
inviolability of international borders, which represents the
cornerstone of the international legal and political system",
Ambassador Simonovic said in a letter he forwarded to the president
of the Security Council, Fernando Berrocal Soto.
Earlier this month, Yugoslav Premier Radoje Kontic appealed in a
letter to the Security Council to extend the UN Mission of Observers
on Prevlaka (UNMOP). He accused Croatia of avoiding to resolve the
issue through negotiations and of pursuing a "policy of fait
accompli" aimed at incorporating the peninsula of Prevlaka into
In answer to Kontic's accusations, Croatia's Simonovic said those
insinuations were "completely unfounded, in open disregard of
international law, in particular of the principle uti possidetis,
and stand in sharp contrast with the view of the whole international
The UN Security Council confirmed Croatia's independence,
sovereignty and territorial integrity in previous resolutions
dealing with Prevlaka, adopted under the agenda item "The Situation
in Croatia".
The Security Council has confirmed the reality of the fact that
Prevlaka is an integral part of Croatia, Simonovic said.
The Croatian ambassador recalled that an agreement on
normalisation of relations between Croatia and Yugoslavia said a
solution for this sole outstanding security issue would be found,
and that the UNMOP mandate would not be renewed interminably.
Simonovic said Croatia was encouraged by the indications that in
the near future the government of the Yugoslav Republic of
Montenegro could be more open for cooperation, which might result
in the opening of an international border crossing at nearby Debeli
"Croatia believes that such a development would significantly
contribute to confidence-building in the area", he added.
As regards Belgrade's proposition for the extension of the UNMOP
mandate, Simonovic said the "role of the international community
should now be more focused on giving incentives for future
negotiations on a permanent security arrangement than on
maintaining, for both sides, an unacceptable status quo".
(hina) ha mm
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