( Editorial: --> 9345 )
SARAJEVO, Dec 18 (Hina) - A Stabilisation Force spokesman in
Sarajevo confirmed on Thursday that SFOR troops had arrested two
Bosnian Croats wanted by the International Criminal Tribunal for
Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
Peter Clark said the operation in Vitez to capture Anto Furundzija
and Vlatko Kupreskic was approved by NATO Secretary General Javier
Solana and General Wesley Clark, the commander of allied forces in
No SFOR troops were injured during the operation, but Kupreskic
tried to resist arrest by shooting at SFOR troops using an automatic
pistol. Fire was returned and Kupreskic was injured in the
shoulder, leg and arm. He received medical assistance in an SFOR
hospital and was in a stable condition, Clark said.
The SFOR spokesman said Furundzija had already been flown by a NATO
plane to The Hague, while Kupreskic will be sent there when his
health condition allows it. This is expected to be some time today.
Clark said the Vitez operation was carried out in accordance with
the current mandate of NATO in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and that troops
performing the action were part of the Multinational Division
South-West, which is under British command.
We expect that the parties who signed the Dayton agreement will
fulfill their obligations and deliver war crimes suspects. If they
fail to do this, SFOR is prepared to undertake actions similar to
the one in Vitez, said Clark, emphasising that the general feeling
of the international community was that the delivery of suspects
was critical to consolidating peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In Sarajevo, United Nations spokesman Aleksandar Ivanko said the
tribunal in The Hague welcomed the SFOR action.
According to Ivanko, Furundzija had been on the so-called "sealed"
list of suspects since November 1996 and the indictment was read out
to him this morning on the plane headed for The Hague.
Furundzija was commander of a special unit of the Croatian Defence
Council (HVO) called "The Jokers", whose members are suspected of
committing crimes in the Lasva Valley of central Bosnia. Furundzija
himself is suspected for incidents of rape and the beating of
An indictment against Kupreskic was raised on 10 November 1995.
Together with seven other HVO soldiers, Kuprekic is suspected of
committing war crimes during attacks on Ahmici, Vitez and eight
more villages in the Lasva Valley.
Kupreskic is charged with the killing of Fata Pezer and the injuring
of her daughter, Dzenana Pezer.
The international High Representative's Office spokesman Simon
Haselock said Carlos Westendorp, the High Representative for
Bosnia-Herzegovina, welcomed the capture of two more war crimes
(Hina) jn mb
181947 MET dec 97
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